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Ken's Study Journey Reminder:

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Knowledgeable Trips

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Studying while Relaxing

I often write articles📄 about my travelling routes🛣️ and sceneries while relaxing🏝️ and travelling🚆. By the way, I usually discover🔍 and share📤 knowledge🎓 in real life.

Why Discover Knowledge? 

Physics (9702) Knowledge: Projectile Motion

Physics (9702) Knowledge: Projectile Motion

Study Everywhere

As well as studying📝 in a classroom🧑‍🏫, I also do some study tasks such as discover🔍 and share📤 knowledge in real life and remember English words📒 while travelling.

Enjoy the Scenery

You can also enjoy the scenery🏝️ during a trip.

For example, when I was going to Guangzhou City Centre at Zhujiang Newtown and Canton Tower🗼 for sightseeing in the evening, I have discovered Physics⚛️ knowledge.

Follow my Instagram: @kenstudyjourney for more breathtaking photos📸 and sceneries.

All photos will also be synchronised🔗 and displayed on my website.

My Photos 

Guangzhou Night Scenery

All Articles by Date

A Knowledgeable Trip in South China Botanical Garden (Guangzhou)
25 Feb. 2023
Celebrating 2023 Chinese New Year | Studying and Enjoying Culture
29 Jan. 2023
A Relaxing and Knowledgeable Trip at Xunliao Bay and Luofu Mountain
6 Oct. 2021
An Unplanned Cultural and Knowledgeable Trip in Lianzhou, China
15 Feb. 2021
The Meizhou and Chaozhou Journey in National Day | Study and Relax
8 Oct. 2020
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